2024-05-27 16:47
电脑散热器的散热方式是指散热器散热的主要方法。在热力学中,散热是热传递,热传递主要有三种方式: 热传导,热对流和热辐射。物质本身或物质与物质联系我们时,能量的传递称为热传导,这是最常见的热传递形式。例如,CPU散热器基座与CPU直接联系我们以带走热量的方式是热传导。热对流是指流动的流体 (气体或液体) 带走热量的传热方法。在计算机机箱的散热系统中,比较常见的是冷却风扇驱动气体流动的 “强制热对流” 散热方式。热辐射是指通过射线传递热量的辐射,日常最常见的是太阳辐射。这三种散热方式不是孤立的。在日常传热中,这三种散热方式同时发生,协同工作。
In fact, any type of radiator will basically use the above three heat transfer methods at the same time, but the focus is different. For example, in a common CPU air-cooled radiator, the CPU heat sink is in direct contact with the CPU surface, and the heat from the CPU surface is transferred to the CPU heat sink through heat conduction. The air flow generated by the cooling fan takes away the heat from the surface of the CPU heat sink through thermal convection. The flow of air in the chassis also takes away the heat of the air around the CPU heat sink through thermal convection until it is outside the chassis. At the same time, all parts with high temperature will radiate heat.
The heat dissipation efficiency of the radiator is related to the thermal conductivity of the radiator material, the heat capacity of the radiator material and the heat dissipation medium, and the effective heat dissipation area of the radiator.